Wisdom Tooth Extraction Woodside
Removing Third Molars Means Better Oral Health
Typically erupting between the ages of 17 and 25, these third molars are often a nuisance because of the pressure they place on healthy teeth and the heightened risk of dental decay and infection. With wisdom tooth extractions, our Woodside Dental Care team can remove these problematic teeth and leave your oral health in better condition. Call us to discuss whether your teen or young adult could benefit from this type of treatment.
Why Choose Woodside Dental Care for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
- Dentists Serving Woodside Community for More than 30 Years
- Plenty of One-on-One Attention for Each Dental Patient
- We Welcome Your Dental Insurance
The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process

Removing one or all four wisdom teeth will likely occur one of two ways – a simple procedure or a surgical one. When performing a simple removal, we will numb the partially erupted wisdom tooth and its surrounding area before using dental elevators and forceps to lift and grasp the tooth, gently moving it so that it detaches from its socket.
A surgical procedure, however, is recommended when a tooth is impacted or beneath the gumline. We will need to make an incision in your gums after numbing the area so that the tooth is exposed. Being careful of the nearby bone, we will remove the tooth in pieces to ensure a more comfortable process.